We can print custom layouts which are individually tailored to meet your needs and requirements. These layouts are best considered as a blank canvas you can design as you wish.
Whether you require a week to view layout or a day to a page layout, as it is unique to your diary it can be whatever you desire. You can supply print ready artwork or we can assist you create it. Depending on what you include and the number of edits required we should be able to prepare a draft layout in a matter of a few hours.
With a custom layout there are endless options that can fit with all types of budgets. You can even choose what paper stock you’d like us to print on, including recycled or FSC certified stocks.
Possible layout inclusions you may consider are:
- Teaching weeks only – saves pages
- School Events – eg Presentation Night
- School teaching weeks and terms
- Public holidays
- Quotes, tips and facts
- School logo and name on each page
- Printed in any colour or colours
- Summary calendars
- Space for parent communication
Below are images of custom layouts we have printed in the past.